
The Mercer County Prevention Coalition was formed in August 2015, and will continue to expand ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs) and suicide prevention throughout the community.  We are a group of concerned citizens that want to make our community aware and educated about the prevention of drugs and suicide.


“To improve the quality of lives of Mercer County residents by preventing the harmful consequences of substance use and abuse among youth, families, and the larger community.”


“Vision of bringing together resources, wisdom, talents and passion to create a happy and healthy community through prevention of destructive decisions.”


-Preventing the harmful consequences of substance use, abuse, and suicide among youth, families

-Delay the age at which youth begin to use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD)

-Provide alternative activities for youth and families that do not involve ATOD

-Decrease the number of youth and adults who are using ATOD

-Increase youth and adult perception of personal harms associated with using ATOD

-Increase the frequency of youth and adults who express their disapproval of underage ATOD

-Educate youth and adults regarding ATOD use

-Promote suicide prevention and education and to support those who have been affected by it


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